ANARCHY-X.ORG with Butterfly
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 Warning: Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Not intended for internal use. May contain triggers, coarse language, nuts, blasphemy, small parts, grammatical errors, misuse of the word irony and other hazards or dangers. User assumes all risks and liability. Do not store in an enclosed area. 

About - Contents

  What is this site?  

  Who is behind it?  


 Attributions and Licenses 


 Just the Facts, 'Mam (Magistra Templi)

A website hosting several projects by an entity known at times as "Anarchy X"

 An Art Project

Both as a whole, and in pieces, a work of Art. How Art is defined, determined, justified, excused, declared and so forth is left up to the consumer. Art is a lie. Art is the truth

 A Cry for Help

One could make this argument and not be wrong

 A Scam

See (as) An Art Project

 A collection

Consisting of bad poetry, inane ramblings pretending at esoteric polemics. One of my Worst Fears

 A long-term O:M effort

Do not give away the game. Keep the Cat in the Bag. Bury the Dog Deeper

 A Group

A coven, cult, secret society, club, political party

 A Conspiracy

Osiris is a Black God. Sirius is The Dog Star

 The Official Line


Without Rulers

- (dash)

Can be used as a minus sign symbolizing subtraction
with the next term removed
Can be used as a hyphen to create a compound word from at least two other words
To symbolize a + b = c, where c may not logically follow from either a or b
Other uses of the hyphen could be to symbolize a range or grouping of numbers in a single unit
a through b
static through variable
a, b
static, variable
Or when a compound expression precedes a noun
[complex use]-[thing], ex. identity-unknown


Variable in mathematics
Signature by the illiterate
Lost family name, history, culture
The Unknown
An Unknown
Symbol for "Christ"
Assumed rating of a pornographic movie
End of the trail leading to something hidden; marking The Spot
The generation born between 1965 and 1985


Top Level Domain Name .ORG
 The name [.org] is truncated from organization

— Wikipedia -

Organization as a Noun

 Definition of organization

(Entry 1 of 2)

    • a : the act or process of organizing or of being organized
    •   // the organization of his material into a speech
    • b : the condition or manner of being organized
    •   // a group with a high degree of organization
    • a : association, society
    •   //charitable organizations
    • b : an administrative and functional structure (such as a business or a political party)
    •   // The new president plans to make changes to the company's organization.
    • also : the personnel of such a structure
    •   // The organization will vote on the proposed changes. 

— Merriam-Webster -


The following staff contribute writing, art, scripts, or code to the Anarchy-X.ORG meta-project. Additional material is provided by non-staff contributors who are credited on the article(s) they have provided or contributed to.

Sacred Chao

Episkopos X

Web design and development, editor, contributor
Sigil of Murmur

Messiah #9

Web design and development, editor, contributor


Editor, contributor
Paw Print


Mascot, spiritual advisor



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Attributions and Licenses

The following 3rd party resources are used on the site. Use of these resources does not indicate support or endorsement of the site by the 3rd party or support or endorsement of the 3rd party by Anarchy-X.ORG. The site may use other resources from 3rd parties that do not require attribution.


Vector icons and social logos created by FontAwesome. Used under CC BY 4.0, SIL OFL 1.1, and MIT licenses.

  Hussar Bold Font 

Font created by Robert Jablonski. Used under SIL OFL 1.1.

  FoglihtenDeH02 Font 

Font created by Gluk. Used under SIL OFL 1.1.

  PigpenCipher Font 

Font created by A & A Productions Inc. Licensed for personal or commercial use.

  Pigpen Cipher Font 

Font created by Jeremie Dupuis. Used under SIL OFL 1.1.


Image created by Wilfredor. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

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