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Anarchy-X as an Ideological Movement

Position Paper


Ideological movements are based on facts, theories, and desires.

Facts are things about which we can agree. Theories are ideas about facts. Desires are ideas in want of facts.

The Facts

Humankind's greatest achievements come not from competition but through cooperation. Olympics, races, tests of might and courage - these have not built aqueducts, ziggurats, skyscrapers, or placed human beings on the moon. It was through the coordinated effort of many that our greatest wonders arise. It is through civilization that our potential becomes actualized.

Suffering exists.


Our current civilization is too focused on competition and the rewarding and glorification of conflict to achieve the true potential of humankind. It is only through an enhanced focus on the power of cooperation, solidarity, and communion that we will shrug off the burdens known to us.

Focusing on uplifting others uplifts us all. The greatest messages of peace and fraternity need to be heard and understood.

Suffering is borne more easily by unity.


Suffering is not necessary and can be overcome.

AXO contends that the current schema for understanding, building, and guiding societies possesses flaws at a fundamental level. AXO suggests that there exist at least one other schema, Affinitism, which can more accurately model the atomic nature of human groupings. Not an ultimate or final model, only that this different model allows for greater understanding and suggests more beneficial courses of action for a human society.

Unlike Individualism, which takes the individual as the fundamental unit of focus, or Collectivism, which takes the group over the individual as the unit of focus, Affinitism posits the relationship between two or more individuals serves as the fundamental unit of focus for a society.

Two (or more) individuals who must balance self-interest and competition with an affirmed conjoined interest and cooperation.

Furthermore, objective reality arises when the experience of two (or more) individuals compare and formalize empirical data. Outside of the interaction of multiple consciousness, only subjective and self-focused experience appears possible. Objectivity requires the cooperative reconciliation of multiple consciousnesses, the understanding of needing to shed off self-centered and selfish interest.

Humility acts as a key. Something possessed but also with a use and purpose. To open yourself to new ideas and others. A first step in learning Love. You must venerate and hold sacred the objects of your affection. Your beloved must become Ideal. Gods do not become Idols; Idols become Gods. We must act carefully in what and where we worship. Our Gods become.