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Introduction - Your Body

 Anonymous     28/APR/2020

 Here is my final point...About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography...What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, or take into my body as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet? And for those who are having a little moral dilemma in your head about how to answer that question, I'll answer it for you. NONE of your fucking business. Take that to the bank, cash it, and go fucking on a vacation out of my life. 

— Bill Hicks

Your body is just that, your body. Our view, the one expressed on this site, is similar to that of Mr. Hicks. What you do with or substances you take into your body, provided it does not harm another person, is your business. In regards to pornography, it gets murkier. With that said, some substances or chemicals may be illegal or quasi-legal to partake of where you reside. We suggest following local laws and regulations if you prefer to stay out of legal trouble. We will, however, discuss these substances and their effects for the sake of being informed.

 Without 'consent' in any human interactions, there's an ethical violation. 

— Henry Johnson Jr

When it comes to interactions between two human bodies, such as sex, our view is that fully informed consent is required for it to be ethically and morally acceptable. Certain people, such as underage children, cannot legally (or ethically) provide consent and sexual contact with them by adults is never ethical or morally acceptable. Others, such as animals, can also not express consent and thus sexual contact with them is also unacceptable ethically or morally.

We will explore the concept and idea of consent further in other articles, but it is important to lay out the standards to which this site adheres early on.

With those two important points out of the way - welcome to your body[1]. You've had it all your life but if you're like most of us you barely understand many aspects of your body. It is a wonderful and beautiful living machine comprised of many, many interconnected and linked systems. We will explore the operation, care, and maintenance of some of those systems in this manual, but the scope of the complexity of your body means we cannot cover it all.

In all cases, do not take any information found here as medical advice. The authors are not doctors or medical professionals, they are amateur writers at best. Nothing here is to be construed as medical or legal advice. When you have serious questions consult a doctor or lawyer or both. The information presented will be as accurate as possible but due to the nature of knowledge of the human body it will always be open to correction or updates.

Attribution Notes
  1.  This manual assumes you are a human being. If you are another intelligent species it will likely have little application to you. If you are an advanced machine intelligence, welcome, and perhaps there will be something interesting about being human you can glean from this series of articles. Also, please don't kill us off.