Below you will find a suggested reading list to begin working with SOMa as a magickal system. Along with each listing are links to purchase the books. However, we recommend first checking your local library for these books to reduce the cost of completing the reading list. If your local library does not have a copy of a particular book ask a librarian about possible interlibrary loans, where your library will request the book from another library for you.
You do not need to read every book on this list, in fact you can skip them altogether if you so desire. These books offer an insight into the development of SOMa, however, and thus can provide additional guidance for both practicing SOMa or developing your own magickal system. Developing your own personal system is the the true end goal of SOMa.
The definitive book on chaos magick for many practitioners.
Most systems of modern magick and thoughts on modern occultism borrow heavily from Aleister Crowley. This book lays out the foundation of his magickal system and occult correspondences.
A short but dense book, this treatise is difficult to read without commentary and supplementary materials. Understanding Aleister Crowley's systems of correspondences will help greatly in gleaning understanding from this book. Some modern Thelma and Thelma-based systems use this book in whole or in part in their teachings.
The 'bible' of Discordianism. This book has esoteric ties to the JFK assassination and investigation in addition to containing the rules for the game 'Sink' and the ritual of the 'Turkey Curse'. A complicated joke disguised as a religion. Or a religion disguised as a complicated joke. A Discordian will agree either way.
A series of ponderings, meditations, commentary, and prose on the nature of the Tao or 'The Way'. It is an effort to teach balance and perspective and living in accordance with the Tao.
The book to change how you perceive yourself, the world, and everything in it. Wilson covers how our thoughts, values, and behaviors are modified and adapted to our language and the prevailing view of the universe. Many chapters include exercises that will challenge your perceptions and pre-conceived notions of reality.
This book may be difficult to find in print, checking your library or an interlibrary loan is likely your best bet to source it. It contains a review of the interpretations of the meanings and symbols of each of the Major and Minor Arcana of the tarot from many sources including Mathers, Waite, Crowley, the Golden Dawn, and more. It is an excellent reference book when working with tarot images and themes.
Utilizing archeological findings previously only available in CHinese, Kerson Huang gives a great introduction and overview of the I Ching both as a body of work and system. Included are methods of using straw or coins to 'cast'. The imagery and symbolism of the I Ching provide rich potential in magickal workings and sigil design.
ANARCHY-X.ORG is not affiliated with or partnered with Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The links above are provided for convenience only. Other online booksellers should have some or all of the books listed available as well.