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Introduction - Wolf and Raven Syndicate

 Anonymous     28/APR/2020

Project Wolf and Raven Syndicate High Level Goals

  1. Establish Community of "Wolves" and "Ravens"
  2. Establish Portal / Collection Site
    • A site that contains links or connections to wikis and other informative sites. Also may contain links or connections to other community sites.
  3. Create working matchmaker for Members and new players
    • A method for new or inexperienced players to request a 'wolf' to aid them in gaming. Systems to rate both 'wolves' and players and report misconduct by either party
  4. Establish Industry Lobbying group for players' interests
    • A group to represent players' interests to game companies and publishers, both formally and informally. A method to democratically organize those requests, wishes, and complaints and present them to industry members
  5. Establish Political Lobbying group for players' interests
    • A group to represent players' interests to political entities and bodies. To watch for and protest legal encroachments on gamer rights and to lobby for consumer protection and rights

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