Labels work as signs and symbols. Labels can be used as organizational tools to help us comprehend concepts that are too large to hold in mind at once with all their components. This method of using Labels is descriptive. Using labels like this help us describe people, objects, concepts, and other things. With these mental 'shortcuts' we can rapidly picture complex ideas or items.
Danger to full cognition lies in thinking of labels in another way. In thinking of labels as definitive. In this model of thinking the label tells you everything you need to know about a subject - it defines the subject. Now, rather than a tool to comprehend it becomes a binding constraint. This form of thought limits the ability to step out of the labeling mind-setting. Using labels in the form of 'to be' confines identities.
Like all tools, Labels are neither good nor bad. When used to describe they help us organize our thinking and perception. When used to define they become a trap. Be careful with how you use, think about, and understand labels.