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 One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.  — Plato

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CoAX Political

Ideological movements are based on facts, theories, and desires.

Facts are things about which we can agree. Theories are ideas about facts. Desires are ideas in want of facts.


  • Soapbox

    Essays, rants, and writings that are political opinions about life in the USA and the world at large.

  • Position

    Official position papers from Anarchy-X.ORG. About Anarchy-X as an ideology.



Q1 2021


Of Rebels and Republicans

Based on his speech at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Ted Cruz would like the far-right republicans to imagine they are the Rebel Alliance from the Star Wars universe. He's either blind to the fact that they are actually the Empire or he's intentionally deluding the people he wants to be his following. ...



Regarding the Project Veritas Twitter Ban

With the news that Project Veritas has been banned from Twitter making the rounds questions have to be asked about the apparent silencing of conservative voices in the US. ...



Convocation X - The Cult That Rules

A shadowy cult of elites who rule the world. They've been given different names through the ages. The Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commision, the Templars. Often anti-semetic and anti-intellectual, the charges against the group are a conspiracy to control and dominate humankind. ...




Matt Gaetz Awarded Commendation from The Political Order of THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL

Colorado, February 6, 2021: The Anarchy-X Cabal of POEE announced today that The Political Order of THE PARTY FOR WAR ON EVIL has awarded Congressman Matthew L. Gaetz II (R, FL) a prestigious Commendation. ...



Open Letter to Democrats regarding H. R. 127

AKA the “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act”

A bill was introduced on January 4, 2021 titled H. R. 127 also referred to as “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act”. This is an ill-thought out bill that represents real danger to the liberties and safety of Americans in several ways. ...


Q4 2020


It's Not About the Guns

The Democratic Party and liberals have it all wrong when it comes to gun control and the narrative around it. The problem with gun violence is a violence problem at its core. And the violence problem is about devaluing human life. ...



If Wishes were Trojan Horses...

I wish Joe Biden would be a 'Trojan Horse' for progressive policies. I wish the Biden/Harris ticket was secretly bringing in more progressive policies. The reality is they aren't. ...


Q3 2020


Everyone is a Little Racist

Everyone is a little bit racist. You're born into a culture that has embraced systemic racism for centuries, you can't help but absorb some of it. You can't help but internalize some of the racism. ...



TikTok Ban is Not a Good Thing

President Trump has issued executive orders banning TikTok and WeChat from app stores starting on Sunday September 20, 2020. This is a dangerous precedent and move by the current admin in regards to free speech. Yet the reasoning behind the bans, the unchecked and heavy collection and creation of personal data about users, is a real concern. ...



Why I'm Pro-Choice

I come to a Pro-Choice position on the issue of abortion for a variety of reasons. Outlined below are the some of the reasons that I have found arranged from least compelling to most. ...



Modern Conservatism

Growing up conservatism meant something far different than it means today. The basic idea was that if you played by the rules, put in effort, you would get what you deserve. Artificial handicaps, like regulation, stood in your way as an individual and harmed your ability to become what you endeavored to be. ...



Trump and the Military

Taken from a Reddit post and cleaned up a bit, the following is a list of quotes and incidents of Trump disrespecting and letting down our soldiers ...



American Christians are 'Doing It Wrong' Part 3

Christians and Some Social Politics

American Christians are often on the wrong side of social issues in our country. Evangelicals in particular often hold social stances that are not only not supported by the Bible, they are antithetical to the Biblical message. Many of these anti-Biblical stances are supported by the Republican party in the US. Despite this, Christians in general and evangelicals in particular vote overwhelmingly Republican. So what are these social issues? ...



Banning Guns in the US

A Reality Check

This is not the end goal for all gun control advocates, but it is for a not insignificant amount. Regardless of how guns are banned, outright or in-part, it will involve a program or system to find and then seize the firearms present in the US. ...



The GOP Gaslights, Obstructs, and Projects

How to Counteract Them

Do not rely on any single source for information or news. When two reports are in conflict follow the sources and get as close to the original occurrence or facts as possible. ...



American Christians are 'Doing It Wrong' Part 2

Silence in the Wake of Calls to Violence

Christians sit in silence as some individuals claim to speak for Christianity. Who speak of violence, hatred, and disorder in the name of Christ and Christians. Who cloak themselves in righteousness while defaming the name 'Christian'. I don't believe they represent the majority of Christians. I don't believe they speak for you. ...



Misaligned Incentives

The problem with certain sectors of the economy being privatized is the misalignment of incentives. This misalignment is in what behavior, actions, and outcomes are incentivized against what we as a society desire as behavior, actions, and outcomes. This can be easily seen in certain fields. ...


Q2 2020


Science Is Not Truth

Science isn't the truth. It's a method to seek the truth, and its results may come close to the truth, but science and the findings it elicits are always open to correction, updating, and improving. ...



The Trump Administration Goes Full-Fascist

The Media Fails to Call It Out, Again

The Trump administration is deploying federal forces in Portland and other cities in military-like units that are abducting citizens from the street into unmarked vehicles. ...



Of Flags

There is an active movement to re-envision the Confederacy and the treason of the Southern States leading up to and through the United States' Civil War. This rewrite of history to cleanse the sins of the Confederate South takes several forms. ...



You Too, Could be ANTIFA

ANTIFA (Antifa) stands for anti-fascist derived from antifaschistisch an anti-fascist group in early 1930s Germany. It is an opposition to fascist ideologies and people. It is any action or series of actions that are enacted against fascism. ...



Cultural Appropriation is America's Culture

America has been described as a "melting pot". A place where different people and cultures come together and blend together. ...



Just say "No" to Anarcho-Capitalism

A concept some variations of Libertarianism, such as extremes like Anarcho-Capitalism, fail to account for, or do not spend much time considering, is the defense of said property. ...



American Christians are 'Doing It Wrong' Part 1

One of the central teachings of Jesus, seemingly ignored by todays American Christian establishment can be found in Matthew. It is quite clear and unambiguous. No doubt can be cast on its central message or the teaching implied. ...



A Free Market is a Myth Part 1

When explained in simple terms, many aspects of capitalism and the free market appear obvious. The example of a transaction - a seller and buyer agreeing on a price that is mutually beneficial - seems fair, correct. ...




Labels work as signs and symbols. Labels can be used as organizational tools to help us comprehend concepts that are too large to hold in mind at once with all their components. ...



The Myth of the Rugged Individual

American culture prides itself on a sort of 'rugged individualism'. Those who "don't need help from others" and "make it on their own". It is not reality. ...



Time to Tax Some Churches

Religion in the United States is big business. Some church leaders rake in millions of dollars every year. ...



Immature America

American culture is in its awkward teen years. It is incredibly self-centered and selfish. Struggling with the desire for independence and the knowledge it cannot yet support itself on its own. ...


Q1 2020


On Natural Rights

There is only one natural right - might makes right. All else is artifice. All greatness of humankind comes from artificial rights - the rights humankind has declared and holds sacrosanct. ...



Convocation IX

We defend and bow to our corporate masters, rising up to defend them even as we are poisoned and sickened. We privilege the so called 'job creators' and 'business leaders', our wealthy elite lords, dukes, and barons - even as they hoard the vast wealth of a planet and live in cultured decadence. ...



Anarchy-X as an Ideological Movement

Idealogical movements are based on facts, theories, and desires. ...



Synthesis of Individualism and Collectivism

Moving beyond consideration of the individual against the collective; the individual is no longer pitted against the collective. The collective good must be considered through the individual. ...


Rules with No Rulers

We've nearly all played games. Board games, video games, playground games. One thing all games have in common is rules. ...
