Stylized Lion
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On Natural Rights

 Episkopos X     05/JAN/2020

There is only one natural right - might makes right. All else is artifice. All greatness of humankind comes from artificial rights - the rights humankind has declared and holds sacrosanct. Do not be fooled, however, they are not found in nature. They are found in the communion of humankind. Human Rights emerge from cooperation, bonding, and empathy.

In nature only strength matters - the lion cares not for the wellbeing of the lamb. The dominant and powerful cares not for wisdom, intellect, wit, or kindness. Rule through raw fear and raw power is the only rule.

The greatest achievement of natural right is the solitary predator. Sharks who move emotionless and with alien mind roving from feast to feast. They have built no pyramids, cathedrals, or theme parks. That is the end of natural right alone.

Beware those who would sunder Human Rights to pursue the predator's path. Those who would cast aside the power of cooperation, who would disdain the works of bonding, who sneer at the joys born of empathy. Those who would reduce us to writhing mouths, vapid beasts of consumption, and render us forsaken to one another.

The might and power of civilization came not from unbridled competition, but the awesome potential of unity. No lion builds startling wonders of engineering. No shark creates art that moves to serenity.

Those that would abandon the many to glorify the few hate humankind, society, and civilization. For even wolves share in the spoils of the hunt with the weakest and most timid of the pack. The man or woman who would starve their brothers and sisters is more base than any wild dog.

H|h "StylisedLion.png" image from, in the public domain. H\h