[Modern]Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
— Frank Wilhoit
Growing up conservatism meant something far different than it means today. The basic idea was that if you played by the rules, put in effort, you would get what you deserve. Artificial handicaps, like regulation, stood in your way as an individual and harmed your ability to become what you endeavored to be. If you were a successful person it was proof positive that you had 'done right', you'd earned your place.
This is a simplistic philosophy that values meritocracy, hard work, and wants to reward effort and innovation. The unfortunate fact is that reality doesn't line up with this ethos.
A meritocracy is a system where one rises in rank, status, and success based on ones merits, or efforts. One of those concepts that 'looks good on paper' but doesn't arise or sustain itself in the real world. Too often confidence, connections, and privilege determine your outcome rather than hard work, effort, or smarts. We want to believe we operate in a meritocracy because if we are successful we can pat ourselves on the back for 'earning' it. And those who are not successful can either 'step up' and earn theirs or accept that they didn't.
Many of us know anecdotally that this isn't true. We've seen the manager's favorite get promoted or advanced while harder working more dedicated people are left behind. We've seen some cozy up to managers and executives to get 'exposure' and take credit for team efforts. We've all had that boss who couldn't handle their position with any sort of ability yet manages to hold onto their rank despite not understanding even basic principles of management. Seen the sales personnel who maneuver to get the cushy 'easy' accounts and avoid the harder sales. Far too often in reality the hardest worker, the best recipient, or the most talented do not rise to the top but are hindered by systemic flaws or bad actors.
Often as a component of meritocracy, but also valued on its own, work hard to get ahead is the message we receive. Yet often the hardest working men and women are in underpaid positions with no hope for advancement. Low-wage work is often grueling and frequently mind-numbing. A person working diligently at a minimum wage job will never earn much more than minimum wage, regardless of how hard they are working. Without the right connections or education breaking into higher paying careers, and thus moving upward in economic and social class, can be difficult at best and nearly impossible for some. Being born into the 'wrong' socioeconomic class condemns one to likely never leaving that low class.
There are two broad types of innovation. That innovation that advances humanity and that which increases profitability. Too often the two are not aligned and our system rewards profitability far over advancing humankind. Mobile games that tap into our addiction centers to reap profit are innovative but they have not moved our species forward. Even when the two do align, such as with medicinal advances, the profit motive far exceeds the benefit humankind motive and we see vastly over-priced healthcare as a result.
Measuring success is an individual concept and thus subjective. By any measure, however, success will be more difficult for the younger generations coming up in today's world. With inflation and costs far out-pacing salaries, including a stagnant minimum wage, achieving financial success of any kind will be out of reach for some younger people and far more difficult to achieve for those that do somehow overcome the additional obstacles and hurdles they now face.
In our current age the conservative movement, and Republican Party, is less about preserving values or way of life and more about entrenching the existing elite. Rather than valuing the work and effort of hard working Americans the already wealthy are reaping the benefits of conservative policy and law making. Transparency on government spending and relief is non-existent or lacking. Big businesses and mega-churches receive relief intended to keep small businesses afloat. The Republican party has truly become a party for the wealthy elite and eschews the average working-class American at this point in time.
Wildlife, wilderness, and nature conservation - despite the conservative being in the name - has been eroded by elimination of environmental protections.
Conserving worker protections and empowerment through protection agencies such as OSHA have fallen away as they are improperly staffed, under staffed, or have had their budgets slashed to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
We give up our valuable leisure time to work longer hours for stagnant pay and enjoy less free-time than even peasants and serfs in the past enjoyed.
Where does the 'classic conservative' fit in? Not the Republican party anymore. In fact, in many ways the modern Democrat Party espouses more of the classic conservative values and ethos as it has failed at being the progressive party for over a decade. One look the official Democratic Party Platform should prove this out. If you identify as a 'conservative' I urge you to look into the voting records of your Republican representatives. And look into the Democrats' platform. You may be surprised to find where your conservative values lead you.